Welcome2Upper Austria Get Together Events


Human Capital Management

Event location

4020, Linz

Event date
20.02.2023 - 21.12.2023

18:00 - 20:00


Evelyn Hetzinger
Tel.:  +43732798105198

Welcome2Upper Austria Get Together!


You have just moved to Upper Austria and would like to meet other internationals in your area? Join our evening Get Together, where you can socialise, make connections, and share your experiences of your life as an international here in Upper Austria.


Moving to a new city/country is always exciting, but it is always helpful to meet new people and make a few friends early on, in order for you to settle in more quickly and make your experience more enjoyable.


Stepping out of your comfort zone and finding new friends may not always be easy, but Welcome2Upper Austria Get Togethers aim to provide a space for all internationals in Upper Austria to easily make connections and meet new people with similar experiences.


Even if you have been here for a long time already, you are always welcome to join us to share your experience, and meet new friends and colleagues! 


To stay up-to-date and receive invitations to our Get Togethers, please register below by following the link.


See you!

