No matter if you want to study, live or work here. Upper Austria offers everything you are looking for.
Denise Yingqui Dou (Visual Designer, Dynatrace) talks about her life in Upper Austria. Her busy private schedule and work life. Learning German and settling in. More information about living, working, and studying in Upper Austria can be found here:
Carlo Piemonte, Technology director
Andrea Masolini, Technical sales director
Primetals Technology.
Are talking about the benefits about living and working in Upper Austria and the amazing opportunities there are in this industry.
The Come2Upper Austria Service Center is an initiative of the Upper Austrian Business Agency, to support companies staffing internationally as well as to assist foreign employees and their families with the settling in process in Upper Austria.
Upper Austria is where innovation and motivation walk hand in hand. Explore the variety of the country and the unique spirit. Once in a lifetime experiences are waiting for you and your family!
Although moving to a new country can be difficult and scary, the Come2Upper Austria Team supports you throughout the entire process.
ABIS (Anton Bruckner International School ) provides a great opportunity for kids from international families. The children have a perfect possibility to go to school in Upper Austria.
Melanie Aufreiter is working at the department of Human Resources at Kreisel Electric GmbH & Co KG. She tells us about their intercultural team, what the company offers to attract employees all around the world and how they support them in the settling in process. See how multicultural the rural areas of Upper Austria can be!
Luka Culjak from Croatia works at FACC in assembly. He is convinced that his family has a better future in Upper Austria.
Victoria Lanza from Uruguay is doing her Master in Global Business at Johannes Kepler University Linz. Besides her studies she is doing an internship at neubau eyewear. In the video she gives an insight into her life in Linz and tells about her activities for Sofar Sounds.
Lesly and Simon Watson from the UK - work at the Leading Family Hotel & Resort Dachsteinkönig in Gosau
Upper Austria has a beneficial location in the center of Europe. Regular working hours, social benefits, and a short distance to other European countries, make it a perfect place to work.
Upper Austria offers a variety of exciting and challenging IT-jobs surrounded by a colorful, cultural environment.
Upper Austria performs top-level research at universities, industrial and international research institutions.
Find out why Nadja Perathoner and Tomasz Liebig came to Linz and what they love about living here.
Ignasi Mata Pavia from Spain came to Upper Austria for his master study program in economics at the JKU. Currently, Ignasi is working at Deloitte in Linz as a Data Analyst.
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Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH