HomeLiveAverage Living costs

Avererage living costs in Upper Austria

Your average living costs will, of course, depend on your lifestyle. However, here is a very general example of how an average Upper Austrian spends a monthly salary.

This overview does not include expenses such as the cost of owning a car, local taxes, money for leisure activities, membership fees, expenses for pets, alcoholic drinks or smoking.

Average living costs in % of average net income in Austria

  • living, operating costs and public transport (regular monthly costs): 46,7%
  • clothes, furniture, health (irregular monthly costs): 18,3%
  • food and household expenditures (monthly costs): 23,2%
  • leisure activities and savings (monthly): 11,9%

The example presented on this page was calculated on the basis of a single-person household. The exact figures for rent, food et cetera as well as calculation examples for other types of house - holds such as couples or families with children can be found at: https://www.budgetberatung.at/budgetberatung/beispiele/

What costs … in Linz?

If you want to know how much you have to pay for renting a flat, for a cappuccino, a fitness club, childcare or a taxi, visit Numbeo: