Come2Upper Austria German courses

HCM_German Courses(c)Jacob Ammentorp Lund.jpg

Human Capital Management

Event location


Event date
17.10.2024 - 19.12.2024

18:00 - 21:00


Evelyn Hetzinger
Tel.:  +43732798105198
Are you an international in Upper Austria and currently looking for a fun and easy way to improve your German? Come2Upper Austria offers German courses for all internationals in Upper Austria who are willing to improve their knowledge of the language. The courses take place Thursday evenings in a small group and in a calm atmosphere appropriate for studying. In addition to improving your German, you will get the chance to meet other international people living in your area. This will give you the opportunity to practice your German skills in a social setting to create friendships with people from all over the world. 
From October onwards, our German courses will take place in the Tabakfabrik Linz, where you can choose between levels A1/A2, depending on your current knowledge of the German language. 
Our highly qualified teacher guarantees optimum learning success and will make sure that you will enjoy the process of learning German here in Upper Austria. You will quickly notice your progress, helping you to communicate more easily and to settle in more quickly into your new home. 
Dates (every Thursday from 18:00 - 21:00):
  • 17.10.2024
  • 24.10.2024
  • 31.10.2024
  • 07.11.2024
  • 14.11.2024
  • 21.11.2024
  • 28.11.2024
  • 05.12.2024
  • 12.12.2024
  • 19.12.2024
Cancelation conditions: 
Registered persons can cancel their registration until 25.09.2024 at the latest via email to 
If registered persons fail to cancel by the above-mentioned deadline we are obliged to charge the full price.
(c)Jacob Ammentorp Lund



10 dates in total 250,- EUR per person