Explore the universities of Upper Austria and inform yourself about the degree programs.
The Johannes Kepler University Linz is constantly in motion. Cutting-edge innovation and technologies have been developed right here at the JKU since the university’s inception, serving as a driving force in science, academia, in business and for society. Over 21,000 students at Austria's most attractive campus and can choose from among 100 different majors and programs.
The new Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) pools the JKU’s expertise in engineering and technology, paving the way to conduct pioneering research in new areas of technology as well as study the social impact. Inside of the LIT Open Innovation Center, digitized industry tests new prototypes at the LIT Factory. The JKU is one Europe’s first universities to offer a forward-thinking academic degree program in Artificial Intelligence.
The JKU’s School of Education offers a contemporary, interdisciplinary program designed to train future educators. In the fall of 2014, the JKU became Austria’s first university to give medical students the opportunity to complete a medical degree as part of Bachelor’s/Master’s system.
The Kepler University is not just about research and learning; places of interest, such as JKU TeichWerk - a floating café on the university pond - and the Somnium - a viewing platform high atop the TN tower – have already become iconic in the city. In 2020, the JKU will open the doors to the Learning Center and welcome visitors at the new Kepler Hall, making the JKU more than what it already is: an attractive space for employees and students to learn, work and live.
More than 70 cutting edge programs, hands-on studies, real world experience
With more than 6,000 students from 60 different countries, 70 internationally recognized degree programs and 450 academics in research and teaching, FHOÖ is an important player in the higher education of Upper Austria. Cooperation with 250 partner universities worldwide and more than 1,000 industry partners provide a vast amount of opportunities in international education and research.
The latest findings from research and development are directly integrated into teaching and project activities, which are utilized by over 600 institutions. A total of six centers of excellence serve as the basis for cutting-edge and industry-relevant research. The FH is not only connected with over 200 partner universities worldwide, agreements with specific partner universities also enable students to obtain an additional academic degree from the partner institution (double degree).
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria consists of four schools:
Anton Bruckner Private University constitutes a dynamic and innovative center for arts. Performers and teachers of tomorrow receive an individualized education in music, drama and dance – inspired by the striking architecture of a new state-of-the-art university building. As one of five Austrian universities for music, drama and dance the Bruckner University’s mission is three-fold, offering students a training ground for performing arts, teaching arts and academic research.
Staging more than 500 events a year, the Bruckner University functions as one of the region’s foremost organizers of cultural events, ranging from chamber and orchestral concerts, plays, dance and jazz performances over contemporary music concerts to podium discussions and lecture performances.
The University of Art and Design Linz, hosting 1.400 students from 60 different countries, is an international and progressive educational institution with up-to-date infrastructure at its disposal. It operates at the interface between free, artistic, applied, science-focused creation and science and art. The university lays its focus on interactivity, digital transformation, sustainability and interdisciplinary, practice-oriented work. Four departments - Fine Arts and Cultural Studies, Art and Education, Media Design, and Space and Design - offer twelve bachelor programmes, fourteen master programmes, one diploma programme and one PhD programme.
The University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria offers Bachelor and Master Programs in the healthcare sector at different locations in Upper Austria. The close combination of theory, practice, science and research ensures a well-founded health study. Excellent lecturers, innovative learning methods, traineeships and the available equipment ensure well founded, scientific and practically oriented degree programs.
The direct connection to the healthcare facilities of the shareholders, the excellent infrastructure and the adapted curricula enable a transfer of the subject-specific and scientific competencies. Many different traineeships help to develop social and communicative competencies as well. The internationally recognized degree programs also include occupational qualifications in the respective healthcare sector, thus enabling very good job opportunities both at home and abroad.
The Catholic Private University Linz (KU) is a pulsating place of scientific reflection. In the courses of study in theology, philosophy and art studies, critical questioning and independent thinking are encouraged and demanded. The lecturers and students of KU Linz are therefore in constant dialogue with the philosophical, theological, social and art-scientific perspectives and challenges of our time.
The private university has an optimal scientific and administrative infrastructure. The institution was accredited in 2000 as the first private university in Austria. All study courses offered in the fields of theology, religious education, philosophy and art studies are state-accredited and recognized throughout Europe. The library of the KU Linz, the third largest in Upper Austria, has 255,000 volumes, 3,700 professional journals, of which 500 are current and 770 are electronically accessible. It is open to the public.
The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz is committed to a comprehensive and holistic concept of education. It is based on recognition and appreciation of the uniqueness and inviolability of the individual, which cannot be quantified in terms of achievement and performance. It views the process of education – initial, in-service and supplementary training – as discourse and dialogue. The university designs and delivers academic courses with particular emphasis on standards of quality in teaching and research.
Its programs focus on self-directed creative and reflective academic work. Emphasis is given to practice relevance and the interconnectedness of theory and practice in initial and in-service training as well as with regard to supplementary training, whatever the professional area. It aims at continuing professional development with reference to personality, domain-specific competencies and pedagogical challenges. As a Christian educational institution, it is committed to the values of a Christian concept of humans and the world and fosters social commitment with regard to education for peace, justice, human dignity and preserving God’s creation.
The University of Education Upper Austria (PH OÖ) in Linz on the river Danube is the second largest university college of teacher education in Austria. PH OÖ provides primary teacher education, secondary teacher education (in cooperation with universities in the regions of Upper Austria and Salzburg) and vocational teacher education. Furthermore, focus areas like inclusive education and all in-service training for Upper Austrian teachers are also incorporated in the curriculum.
By combining a practical approach with scientific, research-based education, studying at PH OÖ equips all teachers with the competences needed for teaching in a comprehensive school environment. Special needs, intercultural aspects as well as gender justice and social disadvantage are also considered. PH OÖ has a leading position in Austria concerning inclusive education (IE). Furthermore, it hosts the national center for IE.