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Study options for Ukrainian people in Upper Austria

Support, grants and Information for students, graduates and researcher from the Ukraine

Due to the current situation there are a number of measures to support students and researchers from the Ukraine in Upper Austria. We support Ukrainian students with listing offers from Upper Austrian educational institutions in times of need.

Numerous measures in Upper Austria

Various educational institutions have taken measures to offer displaced students from Ukraine accelerated access to university places

JKU- MORE-Programm

Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) has been participating in uniko's MORE initiative for a number of years, enabling people with a migrant background to find an academic perspective and a new opportunity in Austria. Within the context of this programme, there are 49 placements at JKU each year. Due to the current situation, access to the MORE programme is being simplified for Ukrainian students.
>> Borealis-More Scholarship


University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH Upper Austria)

The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria would like to invite students who have come to us from Ukraine to study as guest students (free of charge) at one of their schools in the summer semester 2023. They have campuses in Wels, Hagenberg, Linz and Steyr and teach the disciplines of economics, engineering, computer science and medical engineering. Students studying these disciplines at their home universities are welcome!
>> Read more


Special grant for Ukrainian students and researchers

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) is supporting Ukrainian students, graduates and researchers with a special grant. They will receive €715 per month in order to continue their studies or research work in Austria. This grant, entitled the Ernst Mach Grant – UKRAINE, is implemented by the OeAD, the Agency for Education and Internationalisation.
>> More information


All Universities and study options in Upper Austria

Explore the universities of Upper Austria and inform yourself about the degree programs.
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The Austrian education system
>> Система освіти в Австрії

Important information for migrants

Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation

Here you can find useful links and comprehensive background information on Erasmus+, ESC or scholarship programmes.  All Austrian universities have established support schemes for Ukrainian students and researchers.
>> oead website
>> Useful links

Infopoint for Ukrainians

Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz
>> Facebook Infopoint for Ukrainians


Ukraine hotline of the Austrian Integration Fund

With Ukrainian-speaking staff regarding questions such as care, orientation and offers of support and assistance for living, accommodation and working in Austria, references to support offers and to responsible authorities.

+43 1 715 10 51-120 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
>> Austrian Integration Fund

Oh! That’s important!

На сайті ми збираємо всю необхідну інформацію для змушених виїхати з України, щоб полегшити їх прибуття та перебування у Верхній Австрії або їх транзит.

Information for expellees from the Ukraine to facilitate their arrival and stay in Upper Austria as well as their transit. The information is divided into categories that cover the most important needs and should quickly lead to the required answers: