HomeCareer Platform

Career Platform

For Talents:

Do you want work that matters on a local and global scale in the heart of Europe? Then Upper Austria is the right place for you. Have a look at the vacancies and create your online profile on our career platform to accelerate your career now!

  1. Present your skills to potential employers in Upper Austria
  2. Be contacted by companies interested in your profile
  3. Get hired by your future employer in Upper Austria

Upper Austria offers numerous opportunities for international talents like you, to live, work or study here. To support you, Business Upper Austria, the business agency of the Upper Austrian government created this career platform specifically for internationals.

On this platform, job offers of Upper Austrian companies ready to hire international talents are displayed. You can check out job offers and apply for a job without a user profile, since the application process is directly linked to the potential employers and not managed by Business Upper Austria.

In addition, you can create a user profile on this platform for the purpose of raising the attention of a potential employer.

Your user profile can be seen by Upper Austrian companies which are registered on this platform. If a company finds your profile interesting, you will be contacted directly via e-mail by the company.

Check out your job opportunities!

For Companies:

Advanced manufacturing and digital technology are rapidly changing the economic landscape in Upper Austria. To stay on top of the global search for talents, sign up for a company account only in a few minutes to find the right talent for your organisation.

  1. Place your Job Offers on the Platform
  2. View candiadate profiles online and get in touch with them
  3. Find the perfect fit for your team and get the best talents in your Upper Austrian company

As the business agency of the Upper Austrian government, Business Upper Austria is transforming the capability for innovation in key sectors. Cementing Upper Austria as a world-class place to work, live and study is one of our main goals. To boost your global competitiveness and to attract the specialised professionals needed, we devised this career platform for international talents. Upper Austrian companies, as well as organisations with branches in Upper Austria, can create a company profile, upload their job posting and start looking for the right international talent. As the platform is primarily created to attract foreign talents, only job postings in English will be advertised.

HR-Experts by registered companies on the Career Platform can exclusively benefit from the helpful Attraction Guides providing meaningful information and insights for potential employees to hightlight the bonus points of working and living in Upper Austria.


Nina Frisch - Projekmanagerin Human Capital Management

Nina Frisch

All around Upper Austria

Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH

Mobile: +43 664 828 3889